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Discontinuation of Service


Senate Bill 998 (SB 998), which is also referred to as the Water Shutoff Protection Act, was signed into law in 2018 and includes new requirements for water providers related to discontinuing water service to residential customers for nonpayment. The Act requires water providers to have a written policy on discontinuation of water service for nonpayment, and to report the number of annual discontinuations of residential service for nonpayment on its website.

The District stopped discontinuing service to residential customers for nonpayment in 2020 and has not disconnected service to any accounts for nonpayment since that time. During the 2023 calendar year, the District perfomed zero residential water service disconnections for nonpayment.

You can find the District's policy for Disconnection of Service in Sections 6.6 and 6.7 of our Administrative Code or here:

Disconnection Policy