Helpful Hints for Residential and Commercial

Customer Service Valve Information:
Customers are encouraged to install private Customer Service Valves on their water service lines. In the event of a plumbing emergency, a private shut-off valve will allow you to quickly shut off the water supply and avoid costly water damage to your home. For easy access during the winter, it is recommended that the valve standpipe be at least six inches above grade and capped.
To have District staff turn the water off/on at the meter, a $75 minimum fee, or actual time and materials if more than $75, will be assessed to the customer’s account during regular working hours (Monday-Friday, 7:30 am – 5:30 pm). If a customer requests water off and then requests water on again within 5 business days, there will be no charge for the water on call. If a customer can provide documentation that they are installing or repairing their own shut-off valve, a total of $75 will be waived.
After-hours and weekend service calls will incur a $190 minimum fee, or actual time and materials if more than $190. Holiday service calls will incur a $240 minimum fee, or actual time and materials if more than $240.
Before You DIG!
Call USA (Underground Service Alert) at 811 or visit at least 48 hours before you begin to dig or excavate on your property. The utility and phone lines will be marked where they enter your property. This marking of lines is offered at no cost and could save you loss of service and thousands of dollars in repair costs.
Don’t flush medicine down the drain
Don’t flush old or unwanted prescriptions or over-the-counter medications down the toilet or drain. When medicine is dumped down the drain or flushed down the toilet, it flows through the sewer system to the wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater treatment system was not designed to remove all pharmaceutical compounds. Medicines flushed down the drain can contaminate our lakes and streams, which can hurt fish and other aquatic wildlife. For more information click see our page "Don't flush medicine down the drain" (to the right).

Prevent Sewer Back-Ups
The most common cause of sewer back-ups is grease. The best way to avoid this problem is to prevent oil and grease from going down the drain in the first place! Pour fats, oils, and grease into a container, let cool, and then dispose of it in the trash.
Wipes clog pipe! Even wipes labeled “flushable” will clog pipes and interfere with sewage collection and treatment.
Preparing for New Construction and Remodeling
All construction plans for properties located within District boundaries require South Tahoe Public Utility District review and approval stamp. You will need to bring the following documents with your plans.
- A copy of the recorded grant deed.
- All sets of construction plans for stamping. (The District will keep a set of site and floor plans for our files.)
- All sets of plans must have the total number of water supply fixture units according to the Uniform Plumbing Code and the recommended domestic water line size printed on them.
- A check for sewer, water and permit fees.
- As of January 1, 2011, all new construction will require a fire sprinkler system.
- If your project is new construction within the city limits, bring your Application for Residential Water Connection form that has been reviewed, approved, and signed by the City Fire Marshal.
- For new construction, remodels, or additions to existing structures in the county, bring your letter of approval that has been signed by the Lake Valley Fire Protection District (LVFPD) Fire Marshal.
- If a fire sprinkler system is required by the LVFPD Fire Marshal, sprinkler plans must be submitted to and approved by the LVFPD Fire Marshal prior to obtaining a STPUD stamp. Fire Line size must be clearly indicated in writing on a letter from the LVFPD Fire Marshal.
Residential remodels and additions also require a plan review and any applicable fees paid. Commercial development requires a higher level of plan review and must be reviewed by District inspectors. The earlier the District staff can review and comment on preliminary plans, the better able we are to expedite and simplify the final approval of plans. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for commercial plan review.