Wastewater Operations Department

The Operations Department is responsible for the 24-hour operation of the District’s 7.7 million gallon per day Wastewater Treatment Plant, as well as the monitoring of sewer pump stations and potable water wells and tanks via the SCADA system. The Department is responsible for all after-hours customer contact, emergency response including the dispatching of other District personnel, administration of the waste hauler and Special Discharge Permit systems, compliance with air emission and chemical handling regulations, and administration of energy conservation efforts.
Operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant requires skilled personnel, licensed and California certified to protect public health. The duties are multifaceted and require knowledge in many disciplines including microbiology, chemistry, hydraulics, computer science, and public relations. The potential for wastewater or chemical spills, and their resulting public health impacts, make the level of responsibility required very high. Consistently accurate process control is essential to maintain compliance with water quality discharge requirements and to keep treatment costs low. The majority of an operator’s time is spent monitoring, adjusting, documenting, or maintaining some facet of the treatment process.
The Operations Department strives to always meet discharge requirements, maintain accurate records, operate efficiently, provide the safest possible working conditions, help each employee reach their highest potential, seek, and where practical apply new technologies, and to encourage employee communication, participation, and training.